Book Marketing

From Page to Platform Let Your Book Resonate in the Hearts of Readers.

Empower your writing journey with the dynamic force of Liberty Ghost Writer's impactful book marketing services.

  • Choose the appropriate audience
  • Create specialized marketing strategies
  • Come up with a pre- and post-launch plan
  • Carry out

Crafting Your Story is Just the Beginning

Broaden the global impact of your book with our extensive and tailored marketing strategies.

Crafting an effective marketing plan for your self-published book

At Liberty Ghost Writer, we get that writing your book is just the beginning of the ride. Our Book Marketing Services aren't your run-of-the-mill promotions; they're a tailored plan to make sure your masterpiece doesn't just sit on the shelf—it reaches people globally.

Our marketing team diligently boosts your book's profile, creates buzz, and establishes a lasting connection between your story and readers worldwide—from crafting smart plans to spreading the word. So, let's not just write your book; let's release it, making waves across the world.

To support budding authors in creating a community and gaining traction for their creative endeavors, we offer customized promotion packages.

What is included in our book promotion package:

Social Media Creation

Social Media Marketing

Amazon Marketing for the Bestseller's

Email and SMS Marketing

Author Website

SEO Optimization

Official recommendation of the book to New York Times for their bestseller column

LinkedIn Marketing

Impressive Bookmark Designs

** You can sign up for a tailor-made book marketing package for your book.

How We Plan Your Book Marketing?

Project Specifications

The project specifications entail a thorough examination of your book's genre, themes, and target audience. We identify the unique selling points and key differentiators within the market to enhance the overall positioning of your work.


The budgeting process involves open dialogue to determine a practical marketing budget. Resources are then allocated according to the specific objectives and scope of the marketing campaign, ensuring a strategic and efficient use of fund.

Marketing Strategy

Our marketing strategy focuses on personalized approaches tailored to your book's genre and audience. We strive to achieve maximum impact and effectively reach your target readership by seamlessly integrating digital and traditional marketing channels.

Pre-launch marketing

Our Pre-launch marketing entails creating anticipation for your book through teaser campaigns and exclusive content, leveraging social media, newsletters, and author platforms to build excitement and interest before the official release.


The launch involves diligent planning, focusing on strategic timing and precise execution of the book launch event. Coordinated efforts across various platforms are integral to achieving a robust initial impact, ensuring maximum reach and engagement for the release.


After the book launch, it's crucial to keep the momentum going and reader interest alive through consistent marketing efforts. Make use of reader reviews, author interviews, and promotional events to maintain the book's visibility and relevance.

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